What is Web API?

ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices. ASP.NET Web API is an ideal platform for building RESTful applications on the .NET Framework.

Web API as the name suggests, is an API over the web which can be accessed using HTTP protocol. It is a concept and not a technology. We can build Web API using different technologies such as Java, .NET etc. For example, Twitter's REST APIs provide programmatic access to read and write data using which we can integrate twitter's capabilities into our own application.

The ASP.NET Web API is an extensible framework for building HTTP based services that can be accessed in different applications on different platforms such as web, windows, mobile etc. It works more or less the same way as ASP.NET MVC web application except that it sends data as a response instead of html view. It is like a webservice or WCF service but the exception is that it only supports HTTP protocol.

Since new versions of development tools are tested by the Azure team, it becomes easy for developers to move on to new tools. This also helps the developers to meet the customer’s demand by quickly adapting to new versions.

The WebApiConfig.cs is configuration file for Web API. You can configure routes and other things for web API, same like RouteConfig.cs is used to configure MVC routes. It also creates Web API controller ValuesController.cs by default. You will learn about WebApiConfig and Controller in the next section.

ASP.NET Web API is a framework for building HTTP services that can be accessed from any client including browsers and mobile devices. It is an ideal platform for building RESTful applications on the .NET Framework. These Web API tutorials will help you learn the essentials of ASP.NET Web API starting from the basics to advanced level. The tutorials are broken down into sections, where each section contains a number of related topics that are packed with easy to understand explanations, real-world examples, useful tips and informative notes section.

Web API as the name suggests, is an API over the web which can be accessed using HTTP protocol. It is a concept and not a technology. We can build Web API using different technologies such as Java, .NET etc. For example, Twitter's REST APIs provide programmatic access to read and write data using which we can integrate twitter's capabilities into our own application.

ASP.NET Web API Characteristics

  • ASP.NET Web API is an ideal platform for building RESTful services.
  • ASP.NET Web API is built on top of ASP.NET and supports ASP.NET request/response pipeline
  • ASP.NET Web API supports different formats of response data. Built-in support for JSON, XML, BSON format.
  • ASP.NET Web API maps HTTP verbs to method names.
  • ASP.NET Web API can be hosted in IIS, Self-hosted or other web server that supports .NET 4.0+.
  • ASP.NET Web API framework includes new HttpClient to communicate with Web API server. HttpClient can be used in ASP.MVC server side, Windows Form application, Console application or other apps.
  • Choose Web API if you are using .NET framework 4.0 or above.
  • Choose Web API if you want to build a service that supports only HTTP protocol.
  • Choose Web API to build RESTful HTTP based services.
  • Choose Web API if you are familiar with ASP.NET MVC.

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